EcoTechApproach – EvanL

EcoTechApproach – EvanL

“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represtives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the tracts of land, easements, and other real estates here to fore known as the Sieur de Monts, situated on Mount Desert IsIand In National Monument, the county of Hancock and State of Maine established ~hanged too. and designated as a national monument under the Act of June eighth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled “An Act for the preservation of American antiquities,” by presidential proclamation of July eighth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, is hereby declared to be a national park and dedicated as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people under the name of the Lafayette National Park, under which name, the aforesaid national park shall be entitled to receive and ‘to use all money here to fore or here after appropriated for Sieur de Mon National Monument.”

Background: This is a quote from legislation passing Acadia national park into just that a national park. I took my Idea of databending an image based on some talk in legislation about a land. How the landscape would be destroyed by building that how the data bending plays in. I’m taking a beautiful landscape and destroying it in a sense much like the building would do!

Explanation:  public lands are at risk and this project brings that to light. This project takes text or audio from legislation talking about a public land and reducing size or funding. Basically, anything that would be detrimental to the land. As a landscape photographer, I need land so I take images of theselands. At that point, I take the audio and put in a patch with some parameters and have the audio change the pixel information. at that point, I add a few more manual effects.

Credits: This was an independent project. I hatched this idea a long time ago so my original inspiration is forgotten.  But I have a love for public lands and how photography played a big part in them existing through Ansal Adams. I try to emulate his work the styling and mood but I wanted to tie this back to my degree so I brought it into the 21st century and in my opinion gave the image more meaning. Anyone can mess with a photo but when the thing that is messing with the photo is someone in power truly trying to mess with the land it real.

Simple Budget: Max MSP $100, Getting to the location/lunch $30, camera and editing software 2k, all in all to much

Sample before after images using twenty20 See “Add twenty20″ button near Media button:

[twenty20 img1=”6189″ img2=”6188″ width=”80%” direction=”horizontal” offset=”0.5″]