Final – PerryA
Title : Local Locations
Background :This is an app that allows people to share with others recreational or unique places with others who would not know about them otherwise. I personally have moved around quite a bit and when in a new location it is sometimes difficult to fully take advantage of the outdoors in a new area because you are not familiar with it. This app will allow people to post pictures and descriptions of places on a map based on categories.
Explanation : People will be able to create accounts on this app to mark off locations that they have been, comment on locations, and post pictures of their own. People will also be able to add filters to their photos before uploading them and select what category their location belongs in. The categories will include scenic, sentimental, historical, and community.
Credits : Inspiration for this came from the geocaching app which allows people to hide caches around the world and for other people to find them based on their location, and also from Instagram for the photo sharing aspect.
Budget :
$400-$1000 – App development
$10-$20 per month – Updates and maintenance
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