Final Project

Final Project

Create a final project based on one of your previous approaches.

Your final project should be a fully working project, whether it’s a website, social media campaign (with real time event, posters, community of followers, etc, game, artifact or artwork, or an interactive installation (this is not an exclusive list).

Your goal is to combine some technology or skill you learned in New Media, some New Media Strategies we discussed, and some element of your own interest. Because this may be the first fully realized incarnation of your project, it is likely to generate feedback, and suggest upgrades or improvements. Yet this feedback can only be robust if the project is an actual working project.

If your project is particularly ambitions, you may create a part of the final project. For example if you wanted to create a game in Unity, you might submit one scene with layout, stage and players, as well as objects in the space, and a clear description of game goals and strategies, and a list of potential  levels that might be added later. This would look like a fully fledged game review, with images, demo, etc.

Be sure you upload a featured image (an optimized image no larger than 300MB, uploaded via the bottom right box in the post window, “Set Featured Image”), as well as a few images of your work IN the post. We need to see visuals in the wordpress environment. So if you have a website, for example, pull a few of the best images or a screenshot for the blog post.

You should include the main components of a project:

  1. Background: this gives any brief info the viewer needs to better understand the project
  2. Explanation: while the project should be able to stand on its own, this section allows you to give any brief info for the viewer including who is the intended audience, what the purpose is, and why it is valuable.
  3. Credits: who was involved, or what sources or inspirations you had for the project. Mention specific classmate feedback, for example.
  4. Simple Budget for estimated cost.


  • Post Title:  FinalProject—FirstnameL  (L=lastname initial)
  • Post Format: Standard
  • Post Category: FinalProject
  • (do not use the “Assignments” category which I reserve for the assignment instructions)