Final Project – CullenS

Final Project – CullenS

What this project does: Using social media to raise awareness and encourage crowdsourcing, this project works to help out less fortunate students. Many students can’t afford lunch at school. The School Lunch Affordability Gap causes this problem. This project works to fight against this gap by encouraging the local community to help.

Background: This project comes from a personal concern and experience of mine. The School Lunch Affordability Gap is a unfortunate problem in which the state dictates that a household that makes anything above 35,000$, even if it’s just over by a dollar, is too “rich” to qualify for free school lunches.

Explanation: The reason why this project is so important is because of the impact it has on young lives. Many students go the entire day without being lucky enough to eat. This is something that no student should have to endure. This is raising awareness that the MAJORITY of students in the public school system are considered poor, and that this ever increasing problem has a lasting negative effect on these young minds. The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of these problems. This is valuable because these young minds are our future and we should invest in that. Not only should we be caring about these young minds, but we should also be caring about the community that surrounds us. The focus of this project is to concerned parents and members within the local community.

Credits: The credits I give would be just to myself for own personal experience. I think it’s important to reflect on past experience and see how you can improve other’s similar situations.

Simple Budget: Editing Software: 39.99$ (per month) for ways to make posters and videos to raise awareness.

Computer to run software: 200-2,000$