Final Project – Ian Haddow’s Web Museum

Final Project – Ian Haddow’s Web Museum

In an attempt to show my growth over the years, I would create a massive archive, or museum, of all my art work. Everything from sketches I made in 6th grade, to sculptures  I made in College.This is my current “map” design. Considering that this is a virtual museum, creating this map in the corner seems a bit pointless. However, it would help the viewer visualize what this museum would actually look like, as well as give them a basic menu system.The bar that would appear at the bottom of the museum page is a basic navigation bar, with the time period of the current art piece on top, a categorization drop down, arrows to go to the next piece, zooming options, a home button, and a hide button. I feel like these are the essential tools for a function art website, as it gives the user everything they could need. One feature that isn’t on this bar, however, is the ability to move the piece around. My solution to this would be adding the ability to click and drag, allowing the user to get a full view of the art. And of course, the hide button would shrink away all navigation options, this would also apply to the map in the top right corner.


By creating a virtual museum, I would be exposing everything that is me to the world. Interests, hobbies, styles, and possibly even fetishes. According to studies, our artwork is filled with subconscious decisions that reveal many aspects of ones person, so by showing the ultimate growth of my artwork, it would truly show all of me.

This project would also be a rather simple process, as I already have everything necessary to create it. I have my artwork, I have my own permission. All I need to focus on is the process of buying a server, and gaining more knowledge of web programming. Taking these things into consideration, as I am right now, I’d have to hire someone to actually create sections of the website. A process which can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 5 weeks. It all depends on how difficult what I’m trying to do it. However, looking at other students online, and forums, I can deduce that It would take roughly a week to get a basic website up. After looking around, I found that I could probably create the aesthetic I’m looking for with WordPress or another blogging site.


Finished Project:

So ultimately I decided to use the website Squarespace, as they were able to provide the materials needed for my website idea. The look isn’t exactly what I wanted, however it’s the best I could get with what I had to work with.

The website is split up into several sections, each section in accordance to a time. This allows for easily separating and seeing the growth over time, while keeping it somewhat manageable. There are roughly 800 images on this website, causing a somewhat daunting feeling. Here’s a link to the website. The issue here is that the website hasn’t exactly launched yet, due to the fact that I’d have to pay $12 a month for it. Yet, I’m confident that you can still view it while it’s in it’s current stage.  I hope you enjoy my project, as it was rather ambitious. Taking those photographs took a very long time. Thank you!