FinalProject – AndrewW

  1. Background: The basic idea for my final project is to draw attention to our crumbling infrastructure in an original way. It turns out that a new idea has been springing up in some other countries and has made substantial impacts in their local environments. The idea for this project is to take the many potholes on campus and to fill them with bright, colorful flowers as a way to draw attention to themselves. The idea for this project is to plant flower beds or singular plants in the pot holes around the university of Maine Campus. This would highlight the need for road reconstruction in a highly visible way as well as a a non destructive way. Im also thinking that making really tiny signs or cards to put in the plants would be nice, as it could explain why they are there.
  2. Explanation:  At the time of the beginning of this project I decided to change things up a bit. I added a communal element to the project to add what I believe to be a many to many aspect to the project. I created some fliers that had areas for people to write the locations across campus where they need to repave. This allows me to get information from people while also being able to share the fact that this is a problem that should be addressed among the community. As of right now I have found enough money to be able to test run my idea with one large plant and I am going to implement my test on one of the potholes that was commented on the most. This will be implemented on either the night of May 3rd or May 4th.
  3. Credits:I first heard about this idea when reading an article on an artist in a foreign country, I believe it was Belgium. This lead me to do a little research in my spare time and I found that this sort of Eco-protesting was an efficient way for people to get local authorities to fix their infrastructure.  So credit goes to the Eco-Tech Hacktivist out there that came up with such a great idea that is accessible to people of diverse income and skillsets.
  4. Budget:

$10 For Gasoline

$10 For Flowers

$23 For shovel
