For my final project, I have altered my concept from home movies rerecord to the point of destruction. I have done this alteration for a few reasons for one the tech I would need at least 3 forms of recorders Vcr and Dvd, it would also take a massive amount of time to run this prosses and even alter one film. Next, it wasn’t cost effective and the film is hard to come by so I have altered it. The premise of my project has remained the same this version takes old photographs and runs a photoshop action to add digital alterations to an image. This is much like the mind does taking a moment in time and pushing it into obscurity a deep place in the mind sometimes can’t even be accessed. much like looking at these images some of them I can’t even remember where the from and what they were doing. This project has become more real for me in the past weeks as well there was a time that I was so bogged down with work, internship, personal projects and trying to find time to do something for my own I was sleeping 4 hours a night. After about 2weeks of this I couldn’t remember anything… I couldn’t remember what I did the day or even hours before. And this scared me to the point I looked into early onset Alzheimers and I knew what it felt like to not know. So this is what my projected it based on it takes an image and distorts it to the point of almost no recognition, Much this desise dose to victims. I believe the value in this lies in education about the effects of memory loss, for example, looking at a camera roll of memerys and recognizing nothing. So to show my work i have put together an Instagram to show a timeline of my life from ages 2 to 15 digitally altered to a point i cant understand them any more. Here are the results also I’m not sure how to shend the action I have made to create one of the looks.
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