FinalProject – TannerM

The Guard Whales:
[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”eZcnnmluQxY” ]
Background: Essentially this project is a YouTube channel called The Guard Whales (which you can find up top with our best of 2017 video too) that my four friends (Brandon, Gabe, Matt, and Nick) and I (Tanner) created as a means to share our adventures and experiences in games with those who want to watch. This project has honestly been multiple years in progress as the channel was created in 2015 and we didn’t really post anything until 2017 primarily towards the end of the year. However, since August of 2017 we’ve made and put up over 100 videos and are still putting videos out today. As an example below you can check out our 17 most recent videos.
[yotuwp type=”channel” id=”UCVyavYk_zNAHU-6WcY6IBrQ” ]
Explanation: To sum it up this channel was made for two purposes: 1. If it picks up and finds a lot of attention my friends and I can end up making money off of playing video games. 2. While making money playing video games would be awesome, the main reason for this channel is it allows us to express ourselves in ways that we wouldn’t normally do in real life social spaces like classes, parties, etc. However, it also gives us the chance to provide entertainment to those who want to be entertained or for those that need an escape from the real world and it’s hardships. From personal experience and from others I know that sometimes you just feel down in the dumps and want to go somewhere else for a bit and well that’s exactly what we want this channel to be, a place to help those who want to get away for a bit while also entertaining them. As for the audience, this channel is kind of aimed at anyone who wants to watch, but I would say is more aimed towards college students and gamers alike. Also, if you want more detail on why we’re doing this channel and just more about ourselves then here is a link to our first official podcast: [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”1UsWCJpNURY” ]
Credit: As far as to who is involved with this project there are my friends Brandon, Gabe, Matt, and Nick and then obviously there’s me (Tanner) who’s involved as well. However, there are some YouTubes that have inspired us as well to create this channel and I’ll list them below with links to their channels as well.
Recording Equipment (including El Gato Gaming Capture Card and microphone) would cost at least $413
Each video takes about an hour to and hour and a half to edit, so that would be $20 – $50 depending on what type of video it is. To give an example, videos with a lot of edits would cost more while videos with less edits would cost less. However, at this point since we don’t make money off of the channel yet, we don’t pay anyone to edit the videos and instead Nick does all of the editing with Brandon and I joining in on the editiong process this summer.
Recording videos would take about one to two hours.
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