H2O Blackout – PerryA

H2O Blackout – PerryA

This intent is a public mock competition to raise awareness for the seriousness of hazing in fraternities and on college campuses across the country.

My idea is to host a competition on a college campus where the contestants race to see who can drink 18 12oz glasses of water the fastest. This idea comes from the student who recently died at Penn state after he was forced to drink 18 beers in 89 minutes and then pushed down the stairs.

This idea would be important to all college students and family members of college students that could be affected by the death of a student or repercussions that students might face from incidents of hazing. It would also be helpful to inspire a different environment on college campuses that are dependent on drinking.

The most apparent new media strategy that this would be using is tapping into local networks. This intent would engage the people in the local environment and it would be up to them to make a difference afterwords. Of course the competition would also be filmed and made available for people in other communities to view and it will have the same affect on them.

This public display would surely show people what an absurd amount of liquid that is to make anyone consume, even without alcohol. This would hopefully remind some college students that hazing is unnecessary and that if they find themselves in a situation similar to this they need to stop it or get themselves out of it.


  • $30 for water and cups
  • $40 for tables and chairs(or borrow from someone)
  • $15 to make posters for the event

The event would not take long to set up and will probably only run for about an hour or two, however the posters will need to be hung and people will need to be invited at least a week in advance.


3 thoughts on “H2O Blackout – PerryA”

  • Concept

    what media is the intent/project? 1-1, 1-many, many-many? explain – I think you could clarify this a little more. This has the potential to be a many-many project, but I’m curious how exactly it would work. How would you tap into local networks, and would these communities that embrace this challenge be able to give any feedback or interact with the movement at all?

    does the idea enlist any of the New Media Strategies? If so which & how? Currently, you have “Tap into local Networks.” But, by clarifying above, I think you could add even more strategies if you wanted to.

    what major issue(s) does the project engage? Hazing and alcohol consumption
    does the concept interest you? Yes. I think this is a really good idea. It’s a cool concept that addresses a serious issue on college campuses across the world. One note is, I think you need to be careful with the contest. It’s dangerous to drink so much water in so little time. I would look up how much that is and make sure that your contest doesn’t put contestants in danger.


    is the design clear and appropriate? The design could be clarified a bit like I mentioned in my first comment, but it is appropriate and engaging already.
    does the design invite attention and/or participation? Yes, it invites college campuses to join this movement.


    what tech is used? is it appropriate? I believe it could all be done through social media.
    what is the cost? is it affordable for most people? the planet? is it sustainable? The only costs I could see are promotion of the idea, but there really aren’t too many I could foresee outside of that.


    who is the intended audience? College Students
    how is the project geared to the audience? It’s dealing with an issue specific to college.
    would the project appeal to or challenge the audience? how/why? It would challenge the audience. There is a culture of drunkenness and partying on college campuses. This idea challenges that culture and the danger within it, specifically hazing.


    does the idea stem from some personal passion of the creator? Yes, Perry is a college student, who is in a fraternity.
    can you detect the mark of a particular sensibility? Yes, he is clearly passionate about the issue, and it shows.



    I would say 1-many because it’s one person that’s trying to get a message out to the community by hosting an event to spread awareness for hazing on college campuses. It would be many-many if there were more people involved in trying to spread awareness at the event.
    Tapping into local networks. The idea is to reach out to people in the local environment to show up to the competition and make a difference. It’s also mentioned that the competition would be filmed and available for people to watch and spread awareness.
    It addresses the problem with hazing among fraternities on college campuses. Not only does it address the issue of hazing, but it’s also mentioned that someone recently died at Penn State because of being severely hazed. They want hazing to end among fraternities.
    This concept did interest me because I never really hear about someone try to do something about hazing in fraternities.


    Yes, it is clear and appropriate. The idea is to hold a water-drinking competition to see who can drink the most in little time as a metaphor to drinking a lot of beer in little time, instead of using actual beer.
    It invites attention to people that also think hazing has gone too far in fraternities. People that are interested in supporting the idea would show up to the competition but some people might not be interested.


    I’m assuming social media on phones would be used as a way to for people to find out about the event instead of just word-to-mouth. It is very appropriate to use social media as a way to reach out to people about the event.
    The cost per person that shows up isn’t mentioned. The total cost for the event to happen would be about $85.00 to get everything you need. It would be fine for the planet as long as all the cups and trash is thrown away at the end.


    The intended audience is anyone who agrees with the fact that hazing has gone too far among fraternities. Most likely college students and their parents who might be affected by it.
    It makes it so anyone can be apart of it and help the cause.
    Appeal to the audience. Some people agree with fraternities going too far with hazing and it will put them on board.


    Yes, it seems like this person is very passionate about the fact that fraternities to need to end hazing. If they didn’t have a passion for it than they probably wouldn’t come up with the idea to make this event.
    The Penn state incident was mentioned and that shows that it isn’t just an opinion, but reality.

  • What I like about this intent is that it targets a very specific issue that is linked to your life, and that it is a specific action ( a mock competition). Like flash mobs (a NMD strategy), it create a spectacle to raise awareness. It also uses humor. You could have a social media campaign to get the funniest photo with parties happening across the US
    You might also consider other ways to mock hazing, and have this be part of a longer term campaign–a once a year new mocking event that your ow frat (are you in one) takes on. Great PR for the frat….
    So you will also need a social media plan, #hashtag, maybe a set of Adobe Spark posts, etc.. OR a way for people to post their photos to your website that is collecting the funniest photos…easily done with wordpress…
    I would clarify NMD strategies, and develop a clearer set go graphics (are these 2 above original, yours?).
    This could really become a movement. Maybe the Penn State family would support you…and other families in similar situations…