Hacktivism Classwork

Hacktivism Classwork

With your “Table Team” brainstorm some possible hactivism projects based on some strategies you can find in What is New Media,  New Media Strategies, Beautiful, Trouble, or any of the projects we reviewed in class.

  1. List the strategy
  2. Define if briefly
  3. Given an example of a possible project

For example,

  1. Debt Strike
  2. “To fight back against financial exploitation when many people are crushed by debt.”
  3. Create a gathering of all UMaine students who hold loans for their education. Begin a database of all the funds owed, and to whom. Find out (research–maybe get help of professors, grad students) how much profit is made from these loans on the backs of students and publish this information. Come up with PR campaigns that spread this information. Have students skip a critical class day to protest this debt and specifically the institutions that profit from student debt.