Hacktivism Intent – AlexM

Hacktivism Intent – AlexM

A plugin which replaces advertisements from big corporations which are harming the environment, abuses their workers, etc. with advertisements from organizations which are helpful.



Often as I am going about my business online, I find that I get a lot of advertisements from big corporations, and this makes sense because obviously since they are so big, they make a lot of money and therefore can dominate what we see for advertisements. This can be a problem because a lot of the corporations are also engaged in acts that harm us and the environment, and of course, all we are seeing from them is how great they are and not the bad that it causes. Therefore my idea is for a plugin that you can use on your web browser that would replace specific company’s ads with ones from organizations which do good.

This would jointly be taking away from the big corporation’s publicity while promoting lesser organizations who are out to do good but don’t make a lot of money because of that. It is basically a win-win situation because through this they would not even have to pay for their advertisements other than producing them.



Time- Around 20-30 hours of coding

Cost- If using 1-2 programmers, ~$30-50/hour