Hacktivism Intent- AndreaJ

Last week during lab my group and I came up with the idea of creating a Collaboration Critique Café. It would be an event held at a local venue for people to sign up for a day and time to present their artwork and get some feedback on how to improve the piece by getting some constructive criticism from the target audience. We came across the thought process of this idea while looking through the problems and solutions listed of the website beautiful trouble, when we stumbled across the repair café in Australia it gave us the idea of having a place where people can improve their art rather than fixing an object. I think this would be useful to a lot of artists because we all lose our imagination from time to time.

The problem I want to solve is exactly that. Artists sometimes lose their inspiration when they don’t have the right motivation or feedback, that could be solved by sharing your work with others.  Sometimes others can give better feedback than you can give yourself and its always nice to know what the audience thinks considering they are the ones that get to enjoy the aesthetics of the piece whatever it may be.

5 thoughts on “Hacktivism Intent- AndreaJ”

  • Concept/Design
    I like your concept a lot, my only question would be how would you get the target audience to volunteer their time to critique the works of these artists. An where would you host these events, would they be in different cities, or only in college campuses.

    It sounds like you’ll be using a website for people to sign up. Other than that do you plan on having anything else on the website, for example a place where people can see previous events and see the artists that came out, or other information.

    I’m confused with who you plan on presenting these projects to. Is it based on artists who present to the same audience, or artists come through and just present to different age groups all at once?

  • Interesting?:
    I believe this is a very interesting project. This is something that I would enjoy personally as I like to get feedback on my work as I go through the creative processes. This could easily be a many-to-many project.

    This is a very engaging to the audience, you’re really interacting with the community and bringing people together.

    Artists of all kinds, designers, ect.

    audience appeal?:
    I believe this would be very appealing to the audience. I know quite a few artists who would benefit from something like this.

    creator passion?:
    You seem very passionate about the project and I believe you should stick with it.
    I’ve personally never heard of anything like this before I’m sure there is something similar somewhere in the world but all that matters is that its your idea and your passionate about it!

  • Concept

    I really like the concept of your idea. I believe that doing this will give artist feed back on there work and other people would be able to see hangout and see art work here.


    I think your design concept is really good. It is clear and to the point on how you want this to come about.


    Are you going to be making an app where people can sign up and see who is presenting the art? Or is it more of a website?


    You were clear about what the audience is, mostly art students that need feedback about there work. Also people who love art can go and see the artwork as well.


    The creatively of this is really good. Coming up with this idea by thinking of the repair café in Australia and changing it in your own personal way was very clever.

  • Technical

    Keep in mind that this type of project will involve a lot of planning and upkeep, and you’ll have to consider the long term while creating it. Whatever you make, it has a working lifetime, and it will depend on people (paid or unpaid) to run it and contribute.


    I’d think about how to draw people to this. Since this is a very physical, willfully interactive piece, you’ll want to consider promotion of the cafe. This might appeal to some types of artists over others. How can you convince a sculptor to come to critique session with their piece when their sculpture is a half finished, 300 lbs granite hand? A filmmaker could show people their rough cut on their laptop, but you’ll need to figure out audience incentive to come to this. Personally, I go to things with free food.


    I like that you took the inspiration and twisted it towards an artistic idea, and moved away from the political and social problems that saturated the rest of the class.

  • I think this is a good idea. It can get artists to interact with each other and provide them with a place to get creative feedback. The only way I think you could make this better is by adding a new media element to it. Have this event, but at the same time have a virtual environment where people who can’t make it can communicate in the same way. I could see a website where people post and critique work becoming very popular very fast.