Hacktivism Intent – AustinT

Hacktivism Intent – AustinT

Art Plagiarism


Create a conversation piece showing the importance of plagiarism in the fine and digital art world and how equal it is to the writing world.


Produce a statement piece to explain the importance of art plagiarism. Many people have their art stolen and reproduced and the thief either has no idea that it is wrong or does not care about respecting the artist. This has happened to me before, where someone has stolen artwork I had put online for them to use for a thumbnail on a youtube video without them asking permission to use it. By having people see this image or hear this statement it will hopefully enlighten people about the subject.

This subject is important because it protects the integrity of the work of artist and creates a safer environment for artists to post their work. This is very beneficial for the artist because it would let them feel they could post their work without giving people the impression that it is fair use, just because it is on the internet. It would also help internet users by learning that there is a difference between exposure and theft.

The goal is for people online to see that it is not okay that art plagiarism is happening. Many people online see art constantly but don’t think about the person who made it. I see many instances of art being stolen by Instagrams and the caption saying things like “credits: artist???” and that’s not acceptable for the artist to have to deal with.


Bulk Poster printing for 100 posters is about $600

It may take 1-2 weeks to print and hang up posters

Would need someone with knowledge on how to design a poster.

3 thoughts on “Hacktivism Intent – AustinT”

  • Concept

    what media is the intent/project? 1-1, 1-many, many-many? explain — One to many, because it is a message from one (the posters’ creator) being shared with many people who see the posters.
    does the idea enlist any of the New Media Strategies? If so which & how? — Yes, it uses communication tools (posters) as a way to try to rebel against and transform a trend in society.
    what major issue(s) does the project engage? — Intellectual property rights
    does the concept interest you? — Somewhat, although I would prefer if everything were licensed CC-BY-NC-ND or more permissive. The issue of insufficient attribution is very important to me, though.


    is the design clear and appropriate? — It doesn’t have a whole lot of detail.
    does the design invite attention and/or participation? — Perhaps in the design process for the posters, although there is not really enough detail about the proposed project to assess this.


    what tech is used? is it appropriate? — Posters; graphic design tools. Yes, it is a reasonable tool for the job.
    what is the cost? is it affordable for most people? the planet? is it sustainable? — The proposers estimated the cost at $600. Since that is out of reach of most people, perhaps it could be crowdfunded. It is probably not very sustainable or environmentally friendly, since it necessitates paper posters, but it is probably better in that regard than a solution using computer systems would be.


    who is the intended audience? — Potential plagiarists
    how is the project geared to the audience? — By being visible and trying to convey its message
    would the project appeal to or challenge the audience? how/why? — If the posters are designed in a way that convinces the audience, then yes, but there is not really enough detail in the proposal to assess this.


    does the idea stem from some personal passion of the creator? — It sounds like it.
    can you detect the mark of a particular sensibility? — Not really, I think a lot of people have similar feeling about this issue. I don’t think that is a problem, though; I think it just shows that it is an unsolved problem in society.

  • Concept

    what media is the intent/project? 1-1, 1-many, many-many? explain – One-to-Many, the designer of the poster to the audience.
    does the idea enlist any of the New Media Strategies? If so which & how? – Yes, a poster is a way to get your word out to many people at once (one-to-many).
    what major issue(s) does the project engage? – Property rights on digital artwork
    does the concept interest you? – Yes, I’d like to see creators get the credit they deserve.


    is the design clear and appropriate?- Could be clarfied more
    does the design invite attention and/or participation?- A team could be assembled for poster design.


    what tech is used? is it appropriate?- Posters, adobe illustrator/photoshop, yes it is.
    what is the cost? is it affordable for most people? the planet? is it sustainable?- $600, A bit pricey for one person alone, this would be perfect for a club.


    who is the intended audience?- Plagarists, and artists
    how is the project geared to the audience?- By existing to spread the word
    would the project appeal to or challenge the audience? how/why?- Depends on the quality of the poster.


    does the idea stem from some personal passion of the creator?- Yes
    can you detect the mark of a particular sensibility?- Perhaps

  • Can you find a way to address this issue using NMD strategies? Can you name those strategies.
    You might also want to collaborate with IanH, who had a similar idea about Art theft Her’s what I replied to him:

    So theft is clearly a feature of internet posting. I wonder if this kind of theft harms anyone? Some people think that theft is the highest form of praise. Not that I’m condoning theft, but would it be possible or even helpful to prevent ALL types of internet re-use, and/or theft/ Many of my students create class projects that under your regime would get them caught for theft. So I wonder.
    I do think this issue in something to ponder. I wonder f there might be other ways to address it–Like forced citations? Or payable financial penalties (so that most people could pay them). Kind of like freeware with donations (if caught). That way the original artist gets both credit nd $$, while the art gets to travel, and culture remixing can thrive as opposed to being criminalized. Or can you think of a better winning strategy

    Also try to include nmd strategies in your intent & approach.