Hacktivism Intent—Evan L
Sorry Kid There’s No Sk8ing Here
Skateboarding has been banned from many public populated places. This a project that keeps skaters around even after blockades are in place.
- at least one paragraph for each of the following
My idea is to make street art and paste it in once skateable locations where railing balls and other objects denigrate the possibility. But anyway I would go to still skateable locations and take photographs that would look natural in the scouted locations and make a life-size print and wheat paste it so it looks like the skater is doing a trick on the object that cant be done any more. with the words sorry kid theres no skating here.
- is important and for whom?
It says in the scale of the world, not at all. In the scale of almost anything, I’m sure you can think of other more important things to change.But a local skate culture, to that kid that just lost his skate spot this could mean a lot.
- what New Media/hacktivism strategies will you use and why?
I guess this would be considered banner hanging. when you wheat pastes and score your banner it is extremely hard to remove. Kinda to piss off the people that put the blockade in place, Like yeah you got rid of the skating but not really because there someone still throwing a trick and this time he’s always there.
- Who is the audience and how do you hope it will influence them?
My intended audience would be the people I’m trying to piss off so the city and property owners. And also the people that I’m trying to speak for the skaters.
- Rough budget for material, time, space needed to build; this can be a bullet list:
- list materials with cost
-wheat glue -paint roller -printing service -exact knife $75max first time $20per
- list time to actually make/create project
With a location in mind, I could have one made and up in 4hours
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