Hacktivism Intent— MatthewL B

This is an idea that I first come to fruition nearly a year ago. What we have been talking about in class has really sparked up my interest and make me see the need once again. Revisiting the idea has not only caused me to greatly revise it but also realize several new features. This project is one that I do plan on following up on and fully completing.

The idea:

A databasing exchange system that matches up what people have and want against other people’s needs and wants. This system is meant to allow students to find and/or dispense essential class resources without a third party.

Motto so to speak:

Your local resource on saving $$ and connecting you to people who have the school supplies that you need.

Side idea:

A class attendance and question recording device similar and significantly cheaper then current existing methods. With enough R&D work users of the system would be able to complete these tasks with just a smartphone / laptop.


The intention of this project would be to initially help Umaine students help themselves in the sense of saving cash and then expand to other campuses. Most classes require some form of class resources this idea would just be a way of helping those resources come to the student at a less expensive means over conventional means.


The budget for such a project depends heavily on what the result of user feedback comes back as. Roughly put the budget would be 2 – 4 designers and developers working and following the following steps.



1.Idea Formation

    1. Formation of this idea
  1. Research – 3-5 days
    1. What already exists? What works well in other systems? How can this system plan be improved from what was found?
    2. Peer research talk to those on campus and see what they would like included in this system.
  2. Meaningful Unique?
    1. Why would users want to use this system over that what currently exists? Is this system able to offer anything new? Why should this project be pursued?
  3. Functional Requirements
    1. Using the gathered research a critical analysis of what needs to included in the system will be evaluated. The minimal features will be picked for launch and then additional features to add over time. Or (MVP)
  4. Business
    1. Can this system be used for?
    2. What can be gained for those who embark in the challenge of perusing this project.
  5. Ethics / Legality
    1. Ethically how are we going to handle this system? The developers will have access to a lot of personal information.
    2. Legally what are we required to do? How does this project not get sued?
  6. Structural Definition
    1. How will the workflow for project be managed?  Who is going to work on the project and what role do they fulfill?
  7. Storyboarding (what is this idea going to look like)
    1. Rough paper
    2. Self revision
    3. Peer revision
    4. Illustrator/Invision
  8. Final check
    1. Can this actually be built? What issues if any could emerge? How can this be countered?
  9. Structural Definition Part 2
    1. How will the software be developed? Server(s)? What languages are needed? Development heavy research.
  10. Build it
    1. This section will be populated upon completion of previous steps
  11. BETA
    1. Self Testing
    2. Peer Testing
  12. Launch
  13. Addition of additional features

These steps 1-14 would require a range of people and many hours. Ideally those who build this project would join out of interest and work on it for the joy of just building and completing such a project. Profitability of this system would come in step 5 of the project development.

Images for this project are difficult to produce at this very moment in time. What this actual system could like much less how it is to function is yet to be defined.

One possible look for the system could be:

I could not downres the photo enough successfully so please go here to view. www.mattcodeme.com/206

—EDIT based on Steves Feedback —

Title: Project Textbook

Sentence Summary: This project aims to allow students no longer require the use of the bookstore or other online retailers.

2-3 paragraphs:


An exchange system immediately focused at the University of Maine campus. This system will match up university attendees with larger scale classroom needs in the goal of saving money. This system will concentrate on supplies such as textbooks and Iclickers over less essential items such as binders, paper, etc. The way this system is to work is by “matching” users with whoever can offer what they need at the lowest price. When this happens the users will then be able to workout a price and place to exchange the item(s) bypassing a third party company that would inflate the costs of said transaction. This system is meant to allow students to find and/or dispense essential class resources without traditional third party taking large fees or overcharging for what the user needs.


The developer, a student, became frustrated with how much he current spends on school especially for the extra materials in each of his classes after already paying to take the class.

This developer on average spends a couple of hundred dollars every semester for needed class resources. He has also observed some of his friends / classmates spend an upwards of $400 to $500 every semester. This immense cost is not needed and should be cut down.


Go fully develop this idea at a minimum to the minimum viable product (MVP) by the end of the April 23  / 2017 (MPV goals and definition to be defined later.) This will allow for a week of final user feedback and bug fixing for a possible launch in early May. Ideally this system would be available for use to the student body for the last day of classes on May 5th 2017.



IV. Development Team


Name Major Minor Experience Role NDA signed Interest Level Phone Email
Matthew Loewen New Media Computer Science,

Human Computer Interaction

ASAP media Services Team Manager, Back end development, publicity, promotions (basicly everything) 10/10

10 – 15 hours a week

201-232-3380 matt@mattcodeme.com
Justin Norman Computer Science, Philosophy None Asap Media Services, various other projects Backend development,API, server manager YES 7/10

5-10 hours/week

207-651-9940 endlessxaura@gmail.com
Ashley Duggan New Media Computer Science ASAP media Services, IDEXX UX design UX design, front end development, promotions YES 7/10

3-6 hours/week

413-563-7608 ashduggan@comcast.net
Niki Oakes New Media ? Amazing design work Publicity, Graphic Design, front end development YES 6/10


207-316-0484 nichole.oakes@maine.edu
Jacob Hall ? ? IOS API, IOS NO jacob.hall1@maine.edu
Michael Fagin Business ? Business Business NO michael.j.fagan@maine.edu



Roughly put the budget would be 2 – 4 designers and developers working and over the course of 2 to 3 months.

If at all possible those involved in the project would work without pay in the founding span of the project. Possible reimbursement would come from donations and awarded grants. I would like to own as much as possible of this project, investors are not welcome. This offers several benefits that I will not discuss now.

I personally have already set up and paid for a server that is currently working and waiting to host any needed parts of the project. The only other additional immediate cost would be the domain name, which would cost roughly $11 per year.

Estimated Costs:

Domain name : $11 year

Server Costs: $400 3 years

Development costs: 500 hours x $12 hour = $6000

Advertisements + Promotions: (posters, flyers, stickers)  $2000

total: $8411

2 thoughts on “Hacktivism Intent— MatthewL B”

  • Concept
    What media is the intent/project? 1-1, 1-many, many-many?:
    This is a one to many project.

    Does the idea enlist any of the New Media Strategies? If so which & how?:
    I believe this enlists two of the New Media Strategies, Crowdsource the job, and Mobilize people. With this project, you are crowdsourcing books from students and are also mobilizing people with the website.

    What major issue(s) does the project engage?
    You might get into conflicts with the Umaine bookstore.

    Does the concept interest you?
    Yes because textbooks are so expensive college students are already struggling as it is we do not need to pay extortionate amounts of money for one textbook that we will likely not read.

    Is the design clear and appropriate?
    Yes the design is appropriate for the content I believe it would be functional.

    What tech is used? is it appropriate?:
    Sublime, HTML, CSS, PHP, javaScript, laravel, gitHub, MAMP. Yes these are appropriate for the project.

    What is the cost? is it affordable for most people? the planet? is it sustainable?:
    There should not cost you anything to Matt, or the planet. Yes this is a sustainable project.


    who is the intended audience?
    College students.

    how is the project geared to the audience?
    Textbooks are expensive, college students don’t want to pay for them.

    would the project appeal to or challenge the audience? how/why?
    This would appeal to the audience because it is only benefitting the students.

    Does the idea stem from some personal passion of the creator?:
    Yes, I believe it does. Matt seems to really want to help people.

  • Concept:

    This is a many-many project which allows students to actively work with other students to gain the resources they need. It addresses the issues with third-party systems (firstclass, facebook, etc.) which were not designed purely for the cataloging, communication, or resale of educational products which are no longer needed by a student, but often desperately needed by another. This interests me greatly, as I don’t use third-party systems simply because they aren’t systems I trust well enough to reach others in an effective manner. It would solve many issues with reduced by-back prices at bookstore, overpriced stock, and other issues which stem from the decidedly insidious place that is our University’s bookstore.


    Students and faculty would use this extensively. If people currently go out of their way to use the mind-rending and horrible process of selling things over Firstclass, they would definitely jump onto this proposition, which offers a more flushed-out and thoughtful system.


    This is a very good idea, and it’s one I’m surprised no-one else has taken the time to implement. Well done Matt, definitely see if you can get this off the ground.