Hacktivism Table?
1.Find a way to stop police Police brutality towards minorities .
2.Mobilize the people/ Distribute and connect info/ share what was inaccessible. The solution lies in eye implant cameras.
Transparent society. Make all people have cameras implanted in their eyes . Record every day. Could pull up evidence in the case that someone was targeted by police for being a minority or foreigner. Every government employed law officer would be under surveillance . Their phone calls and emails would be open to the public to view.
3. Start a new company who’s focus is in bringing transparency to law enforcement agencies. Force government agencies personnel to wear camera’s at all times while on duty. Force police agencies to publish all closed records, making them available to the public. This would be a very effective solution to the problem at hand. People will always have videos of events that take place in their life. Not super appealing in other regards. As far as the line between serious and playful, people can be as playful as they want once the world is united in total security.
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