Hactivism Intent-HaleyC

Hacktivism Intent– Haley C

My concept is either a stand-alone website that works with Maine Street or an add on for the Maine Street website that lets students see exactly where they are in their program. It automatically plugs in classes into their degree program list as they pass classes. In the New Media program there are a couple different paths you can take (ie. animation, film/video, web design), my website will highlight classes in their chosen path, while still showing all available classes to take. It will give a clear path to graduation within each semester. Once a section is complete it will highlight in green and give a title of “completed”.


This idea is important because I have experienced a lot of confusion and lack of direction within the guidance of this program and school. I had to do a lot of research on exactly what I need and want, but I would have liked more help. Other students seem to have this issue as well, and I don’t want it to continue. This idea is for the students of this program and other programs as well.


This idea essentially “hacks” the current school standard of guidance and advising. These people are not doing their jobs (in my experience) and there should be a better way to guide students on the quickest path to graduation.


My audience is all students attending Umaine, and then possibly other colleges/universities as well. I would hope it would help guide students and influence them in a positive way by giving them clarity and less stress about not graduating on time with the university not making it apparent which classes to take.


  • Materials are only a computer to make the website, costing anywhere from 300 to 10,000 depending.
  • Making a website can take days to weeks depending
  • Computer, web designer, web software