HaleyC-Autobotography Intent

In the world we live in today, the “news” has become something of an unreliable thing. I want to see how people get their news and if they believe it, share it, or do nothing about it.
The news used to be something people would read in the newspaper, see on tv, or hear on the radio, and for the most part it was true. However, with politics the way they are now (a huge divide) there is a lot of “fake news” circulating. How does it circulate? The media, particularly new media (snapchat, facebook, twitter, random biased websites). It is easy to share this news further into our own political social bubbles, and thus furthering the misinformation and creating a buzz. I would like to create a survey of how people interact with the news they receive, and where they get their news from. Personally I think the shift in the way we receive news is making us act like “robots”. With vlogs and all other exposing type of videos being so commonplace and very accessible, the “shock” factor is what we search for. The news has become a source of entertainment instead of facts to trust, we are still searching for the shock factor. It’s becoming hard to separate what’s really going on in the world vs what is created for entertainment. The news and social media have blended, making people numb to things that are scary or important. We think if we just hide behind our phones and don’t do anything then it will all be okay, when this is not the reality.
I would also like to add that growing up and finding out where you stand with politics and basic morals is very hard right now since it’s difficult to find real information to get behind. I think it adds to the self-identification crisis of young people we have going on in our country right now.
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