Intent 2-JessC

Intent 2-JessC

 FIZDIZ Human Generator



This is a human Generator that is a generation of the picks from 20 different people per character. Each person who logs into this sight will have a character pop up that is currently being worked on.the individual can then pick a piece of the character that they want to customize.  The point of this project is for the person to customize the character with an aspect of them selves. Once all the changes are made that can be  made the character will be considered to be complete. and their for the character will then  be sent to  all the participants that were involved . Also a list will be offered to every individual on the reason as to why the person decided to pick that exact feature to change and how it relates to themselves. I would also like to try to include a back story so that people could decide on what the character up bringing is such as if they were raised in a poor family and then became rich or if they were born into a rich family and is now a bum on the street. I also think it would be interesting to see what type of character the communities make. if you have communities split into different classroom or even into different states it would be interesting to see what the characters would be and to see if their were any constant trends that form in the character creation from those particular places. It would also be ironic to see if the characters also resembled the way that society feels about our selves and what we actually like. I would not be surprised if  their was an option to make the person non binary or to pick their gender i am pretty sure that someone would chose someone out side of the binary view point of just male or female.

Target Audience

-people who can read and write

-People who have the mobility, flexibility to use a phone and to press button on the App.

-people 10 Years or older

Expect Difficulties in Development 

-Getting a starting audience

-Keeping the consumers interested

App Usage

It would be a fun way to kind of tell a story,  a way to interact with others, and see what type of community character your community will make. Not only can people pick an item but they can put an explanation as to why they picked that item.


-Starting fee 200$

-Hourly fee 15$ per hour

-expected completion 2 Months

-total estimated cost

-200+ (Hours X $15)= cost

-200+(300 X $15) =   $4,700

 I would be paid every month, with Results ready for the Consumer. Depending on code issue or Additions needed by the Consumer the price many go up or down.All Creation Rights will Go to me unless you chose to buy them from me which will depend on the Application.However any money produced from the App weather it is Adds or a Shop would be split 90/10 with me getting 10% royalties.This can be negotiated .