Intent 2- PeterB
Title: Mood (App)
Abstract: This project would be a music app that lets you type in your mood and play songs from your music library based off what you type in instead of playing from a playlist that has already been created with music that you are not familiar with.
2-3 paragraph description including how this project reflect a “self” that you might not have, or that you would have differently without new media technology:
I personally love music, and I think I can positively say that a lot of other people love music as well. Music helps define us and describes who we are as a person. My idea for this project is to have some sort of algorithm that reads your personal music library and allows you to plug in a mood that you are feeling during any part of the day and find the perfect songs that you will enjoy based off of the mood and create a playlist of songs out of the ones you have downloaded. You might think why not create your own playlist and just add songs as you go, but my thought process behind this is that my playlists are so random and I do not make them based off of moods, I just add any song that I like at the time. Also, downloading music so it is added to the recently downloaded list is way easier, and usually what I tend to do instead of making playlists now a days. Therefore, this app will allow you to skip the process of making a playlist and do it for you. Also, when doing this on, persay, Apple Music, there are radios, or playlists that have already been created based off of moods, however, these radios and playlists play songs that you might not know, and personally this can throw me off, because sometimes I just want to sit there and enjoy my music and not worry about skipping songs that I do not know. This app only uses songs that you know and have downloaded, making it easier to sit down, and express yourself through YOUR music. There are times to listen to your music and times to EXPLORE music which I think there is a clear and distinctive difference. I will state again, this app will create a playlist for you to listen to based off of your current mood, based off of your OWN music, instead of exploring, which might not directly express what you are feeling at the time.
- Rough budget for: material, time, space needed to build (no project costs 0$, even if all you bill is your own time/labor. consider the cost of purchasing any materials you use, of paying for skill, research, time, labor etc.):
App Development: (Based off this app being “big”) $500,000 – $1,000,000
Streaming service (per month): $178,030.44
Music Licensing (per month): $847,764
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