Intent 2 – SophiaCC

No-one presents the same self to everyone, presentation will shift depending on the person, disposition towards them at the time, even the time of day; this project would allow users to explore different selves of someone that they would not otherwise have access to.


I would like to create a quiz that asks the user some questions about themselves and their relationship to me, for example ‘You are my friend/coworker/relative/a stranger’, ‘Am I angry at you?’, ‘Where do I interact with you?’, or ‘How old are you?’ and at the end tell the user which self I would present for them based on their answers.


The format would take the place of a short bio outlining what I would and would not be willing to share with you, and what elements would affect our interactions in the future (which would allow people to go back and edit their answers).


Different answers would include different photos or illustrations of myself as part of the different selves the user would see.


Possible selves:  My online self, very sleep deprived, my professional self, who I am around family, who I am around friends.




The project would be hosted on Buzzfeed’s quiz platform, which is free.

Content creation would take roughly four hours.

Assuming $15/hr for labor, the cost of the project could be $60.

a start on building the quiz