Intent 3 && Final JessC
Allot of the walls in the IRMC have the ability to write in Marker and to be easy erased.
One to Many Communications for New Media
Jason vanidestine
“Makes me think about how rainforest are going, not just main trees, that people need to get out more and see more of nature..”
Classified person
“Good hearted but soft moric we all want to save the trees but its a very complex issue like he jobs in Maine.”
Mathew loeren” Forest nature to think about “
People from the Show case Night
Several people decided to talk to me to get my view point on what i thought about recycling and how their are different types such as recycling everything vs actually sorting through stuff and what the benefits and drawbacks of that i would be. for me i responded that it was could more time and money to sort in the short run however in the long run it creates more space for the stuff that really need to be at the dump to recycle.Some people also asked me what my next step would be if i wanted to go further to promote this idea.
Signing of names on wall
I wanted people to feel connected to the project to feel like what they have to say matters, so i created a section for pople to write their names in support of this idea.
I think it would be a good idea to write facts in the walls of UMO. Such as
- things that are hurting our forest
- things that people could do to save the forest or to make healthier decisions for our community and them selves.
- I can also draw animals to show the importance of the forest and how they impact not only us but also the animals that live in the area.
- Funny tree Quotes
- An average size tree produces enough oxygen in one year to keep a family of four breathing.
- Allot of paper is thrown away in trash instead of being recycled
- Many species go extinct every day
- 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees cut down each year.
- pictures of rabbits, squirrels, trees, recycle bins
- Trees increase the value of property. Houses surrounded by trees sell for 18-25 percent higher than houses with no trees.
- Trees provide shelter and food for wildlife such as birds, squirrels, and bugs. Groves of trees provide food and cover for larger mammals, such as raccoons and deer.
- Save a Tree Save a Life
-I would go any wear on campus that has allot of traffic with Walls that can easily be erased and draw picture and write quotes and interesting facts about the nature around us, and things that people could do. The idea is to bring an awareness to how we effect nature , and the consequences if we continue acting the way we have. I want to spark people to take action. If possible i would like to motivate others to join me in this endeavor, that will cut down on the time required to actually pull this off.This will also encourage the College to not make its students feel like they are in Jail cells, it will provide more color to peoples daily lives.
Project test
- i will try it in this room. I will try to get access to this room when no one is in it and draw lots of drawings and Quotes to see what the class reaction is.
How to get people interested to help on this Project
-ask a teacher if they will give extra credit on a test or the final if they participate in the event.
College Benefits
-better student attitude
-positive Rep for the College
-more educated people on our environment
The only budget would be the time that I have available , and the amount of markers that I would probably need.
$3.33 for a pack of 6 Markers
Marker Erasers= #2.00
I assume ile use atlas 20 Packs
So 20 Packs X $3.33. =$66.66
10 Marker Erasers= $20;
$20 + $66.66 . = 88.66
Negative Effects
-some of the Marker May not Come off, if left on to long
-students may be offended by having positive quotes on the boards and talking about how to save trees, animals, and how ti improve our environment.
–getting access to areas,
-possibly getting in trouble from people above me.
-I may also be able to get free supplies from others who would like to donate to the cause or from people are are throwing away supplies, i could also talk to stores
My thoughts after presenting my projects to the public , I think it went very well, i got great feed back from a huge audience sense i had all the pictures stay up during the IRMC show case night. It i were to change anything i would put even more info and maybe work on better graphics to find info that would connect more to the people viewing it. However i was short on time, and i put as much effort and detail into this project as i could, i spent about 7 hours drawing things, not including all the research time i put into this project. But at his point i think im just nit picking, i think any project can be improved.In the end i didnt have to spend anything sense i used the Markers provided by the IRMC, so the only cost to me was my time. I also did this Project alone sense it was finals week and i was unable to get anyone to actually help me on the Project.
THANK you to teacher from Jessica
I would also like to say thank you to my awesome teacher, for providing some of the information that i put up on the walls, and for the constant communication to improve my project.
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