KalebT-Intent 2
Kaleb Traverso-Penn
Intent 2
My intent for the autobotography assignment is wearable technology. I wanted to go for something that isn’t out there yet, but will effect the way we wear clothes in a physical as well as virtual sense.
My idea is to have 3 different types of durable, clear, clothing thats suitable for all sizes and ages. Where you can have just a shirt, pants, or a onesie and it will satisfy your needs. This wearable technology is going to be durable, affordable, and comfortable. In my mind three things in order to show off the real you. The clothing will have a thin layer of projectors and visualizers to project what you want to wear.
The clothing at first will appear to be clear and a little revealing, but you will be able to access what you wear via a phone and computer application that will have all the latest trends and style wear that suites your needs. With this application you can wear any style of clothes with a push of a button. Or if you just want to wear a default color you can do that as well. With this in mind, if USD or any other form of currency is still around you will be able to pay for the new styles the way you see fit. Or if Bit Coin, or block chain become a viable currency then we will use that instead so its one consistent price for all users.
Financial Time: creation of app: 1 month (fully functional)
workable clothing: 2 months (per clothing choice(pants, shirt, onesie))
Estimated Total: Around $2,000-3,000.
Purchase price: $150 (for pants or shirt)
$250 (for onesie)
App: free trial (sign-up random user selected brand, with 3+ default colors)
silver subscription-(limited premium brand offers and deals, ads, etc): $60 per month
gold subscription-(more premium brands with discounts, no ads, etc, creation of your own design): $100 per month
platinum subscription-(All brand names (new/foreign/old), all features from above and more): $150 per month
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