Response 1-AndrewK

After watching the videos in the first class I was surprised to see how hackers were being morphed by the media in the 80’s, and 90’s to be seen as terrorists. This seems to remind me a lot of the anti piracy ads that used to be on movies. (The ones that said “You wouldn’t steal a car…”). Back during this time hackers were really getting demonized by the media it would appear, just because it was the “in” thing to be writing about in the media. However it seems a bit ironic to me how the government was all for calling them terrorists for accessing private information without profit or even to harm someone, and now the NSA is doing that to civilians in the present day.

Another interesting idea from one of the readings to me was, that the computer and television aren’t new media themselves but simply a vehicle for it. These devices were simply made to create these forms of media and spread them to people. I personally hadn’t really thought about these device in this way, and this put a bit of perspective on what new media is; the content for these devices.

One thing that interests me about what New Media makes possible is creating new technologies for websites. This is because my main focus in New Media is web design and development. I personally would wield the power it affords by trying to develop new interesting ways to create interactive content for the websites.

One thought on “Response 1-AndrewK”

  • Consider the power question: why is it so invisible to us when corporations and governments have huge amounts of data that is private, when they spy into our private data (ever have a mall store ask for your phone number?), and yet when they criminalize public access to data. How is this like private property? i.e. I can do anything I want with this land I bought, but you can’t even walk here.
    We take for natural who owns land, information, power. But when that system of ownership–and the rules that enables certain people to amass much more than other–is in any way challenges, the response if often severe and swift.
    The Yesmen are very good at showing how poor really works but triggering those in power to use it or abuse it publicly. Then we have to think about it.