Response 1—Evan Loignon


Describe the hallmark characteristics of New Media.  How do you think this changes who has the power to “define reality” via the media?  Give an example of where this might be the case. (2-3 paragraphs)

To me, the hallmark characteristics of New Media are not that far off from that of old media. When Old and new media are thought of in this manner it becomes much easier to seek out and spot the key features of new media. For me, a major one and the starting point of all of this is the means of creation. For example, a graphic designer of yesteryear would make a poster with there medium where it be cut paper stacks, illustrations or printmaking they would make there original in a tactile physical form. where is the new media way is to use an Adobe product to make a layout and click print? this isn’t meant to take away from the new media process but it is much simpler. The next glaring difference in publishing and distribution in the past making copies of posters was not a simple as typing in how many copies you want on printer options like it now. But the even more glaring example is the how they go out into the world. The key word for describing new media is “instant”, after the poster is made it would have had to have been shipped and hung and hope people see it and embrace whereas now you click post and the poster you hoped someone would see will instantly fly out to every person in your following and if someone like it and reshared you could reach there following. to me, those are a few of the key differences between old and new media nothing has changed but the details.

With that being said the power to define reality still remains as it did… No one. No one person has that control and here income the issue within new media. The people have the power as they always have but they don’t use it. Heres an example if an article comes out on a trump really by opposing political publishes you could read both and you believe the one that most lines with your ideas and so you subscribe to there posts and in doing so it shows you recommend “if you like this ” articles until you are engulfed in media that alines with your ideas. And this is where the danger happens now that you are in your own media world those have become your truths no matter what other articles come out on the topic no matter how many times its been fact-checked. This is caused by the ease of publishing. all you need to run a publishing company is a keyboard an opinions and a means of getting it out there(the internet). Whereas in the day it took funding massive amounts you couldn’t just be anyone with a radical idea, you had to tell the truth as close to what it is. And I know that’s a jurlesticac fantasy there will always be bius. But now there are no rules no ethics, telling the truth of the world turned into a pay per click business and that’s where things go off the rails. So no one is in control to me its more every one is out of control.



After reading the article, answer the following questions (you should cut/paste the questions from exercise 1 into your post, then your answer of solution B or B copying the full answer, then  your explanation for why this is the correct answer; for exercise 2, just post the single problem you are choosing and follow with your brainstorm/solutions)


For each of the following past capstone ideas, identify which solution embodies the “many-to-many” principle and which one doesn’t and explain why in 1-2 paragraphs.


Ian Larson wanted to help preserve the Passamaquoddy language from extinction.

  • Solution A  Create a task force from a select group of Native American language experts and ask them to write down a dictionary of words and their definitions. Enter these definitions into a database and build a Web site that allows anyone to search for terms and hear their pronunciation. Hire a high-profile Web designer and marketing firm to ensure that as many people as possible learn about this resource.
  • Solution B  Distribute laptops with video cameras to schoolkids in the Passamaquoddy community and ask them to record their grandparents telling stories in Passamaquoddy. Upload these to a Web site along with the grandparents’ definitions of particular words used in the story, and make these words searchable via a tag cloud.

Solution B Crowdsourcing for the job. By doing a crowdsourcing in this case you are increasing one the amount of coverage in a short amount of time which is key in an aging popuplation with the skills. and two it increases the variation of possible responses and covers different pronunciations and other factors.


Evan Habeeb wanted to make people aware of the beauty of abandoned buildings.

  • Solution A  Assemble a film crew and visit abandoned homes, factories, and other buildings. Bring lights to illuminate these spaces dramatically, and record ambient sounds like dripping water. Edit the footage onto a DVD to create a compelling account that documents these relics for posterity, and distribute copies to historical societies across the state for their collections.
  • Solution B  Build a Web site that allows adventurers to print stickers they can leave behind in abandoned buildings they explore. Create the stickers so they can be scanned by a mobile phone to reveal a Web site built to feature photographs taken by those explorers.

Solution B again Crowdsourcing for the job. one crew could only hit a number of places whereas urban explores like and his friends could share the spots they know and cover most of the northeast. Also, in my opinion, this project wouldn’t work very well people don’t tend to like to share these locations I’ve learned through expreanceing it.


Ryan Schaller and Jason Walker wanted to help people understand the many layers required to create a computer-animated film, including wireframe, textures, and light effects. As a case study, they created an animation depicting a cartoon archeologist digging for ancient artifacts.

  • Solution A Design and build a touch-screen interface that allows viewers to “rub” away layers of the film with their hands to reveal previous stages of the animation as it plays.
  • Solution B  Create an iPad application that documents each stage of the animation process, using stills from the archeologist film as illustrations. Explain techniques such as ray tracing, motion capture, and morphing. Include links to companies that create animation software such as Autodesk.

A it is much more interesting and engaging comparatively to an application it might not have the reach of an app but an under downloaded app vs a polished engaging presentation. apps are also persosnal where exibits are human to human.


Danielle Gagner wanted to renovate the waterfall fountain under the skylight in the middle of the University Union, which had fallen into disrepair.

  • Solution A  Repurpose the existing plumbing to irrigate a garden planted in the former fountain. Research the types of plants that would grow well together at different levels of the fountain, and meet with dining hall staff to find out what herbs or vegetables they might add to salads and other offerings. Then plant these in collaboration with the sustainable agriculture club on campus, and invite students to pick the resulting parsley, strawberries, and other fare from the garden for their lunch.
  • Solution B  Use Google Image Search to download photographs of natural bodies of water such as streams, rivers, and the ocean. Combine these with nature footage from sources like National Geographic and the Discovery Channel to create a multichannel video installation that projects images of flowing water and rippling waves onto the fountain, which has been covered with theatrical screening. Supplement the moving images with the sound of a babbling brook emanating from surround-sound speakers mounted on the ceiling.

I wish it was B that would be a good fundraiser to show people what it could be to get money for A But A involves many people it is many to many for a greater good.



How can you stimulate students to learn more about the oceans?

This one is close to home for me as a surfer a surf photographer and an all-around ocean lover. To me, the real issue with this one comes down to experience. With less than half of the US touching the ocean it’s hard to engage people in the beauty and wonder of it without them understanding what it is. to me that’s like getting people to stimulate with mars witch in my, in my opinion, is still easier. With only around 39% of Americans living in coastal states, it is plausible that half the country hasn’t seen the ocean. I would make a full exhibit to try to grow people willingness to learn. I would make traveling aquarium that so see the sea life as well as make imusive content like a VR tour dive in a pool. a wave pool so people can expreace surfing and let them eat some sea food to show every thing the ocean has