Response 2

Response 2
Jessica Commeau.
May 23 2018
If media shape us, then what shape do we see through the media? How do the vehicles/technology of many-to-many media shape what kinds of selves are possible?
I would argue that not only do we shape media, but that it also shapes us. In allot of ways the media that we create our selves is a reflection of our true selves.Their are many different types of media, from Facebook, twitter, dating apps and profiles. For each of the technologies, their is a different social group around each type of media, Because of this difference I my self have found that I split what I want to post between the different types of media. An example is that I post my gaming stuff on Twitter, this is a reflection into my self about the games I am interested in and like to create. While the Facebook is more for me to talk about my day, some of the good things and bad things, while also having a chance keep in contact with family members. Allot of people try to keep up god appearances on Facebook because their can be negative backlash. So due to this type of media this is a good example of how the media defines the type of person u will represent. Lastly the dating and profiles gives allot of personal detail about my self, as a form of new media, people judge very harshly, and again try to keep a good reputation as to be able to stay open for possible dates, or atlas thats what they should do. However some people decide to go against what media wants to shape us as, or end up just not caring. Personally I get allot of men who only want sex, want me as a sex object, want me to fly to their country, just really weird and disrespectful men. I can also say from my experience those guys will never have a chance, no woman is gonna go for that!.
Pick 2 autbotographs
- Nobody Here Review:
Nobody hear was an unusually website that we got to look at in class, the website shows a man typing away at a computer, with a bunch of random words beside them. The purpose of the website is to wander through it. The website keeps track of every move you do. When you end up clicking on something that intreats you, it will then bring you to another things that you could find interesting, and then go even deeper, So in the end its kind of like making your own autobiography.One of the weird things, was all of the bugs that seemed to also pop up on the website along with all the cool death scenes. This website is a great example to a many to many example.
2) Life Sharing
This was a very interesting site, but also a very dangerous one. Through media we are very reserved as to what we post, what people see and how people might feel about us. So we tend to only post things that are accepted by the group of friends that we hang out with.This website destroys the ability to basically have a personal life. This website allows you to share everything on your computer , pictures, files, bank stuff passwords, while I understand the concept, its just plain dumb in my opinion, their are important reasons as to why we need our personal space, so for me I felt like it was a not very good approach,You could end of being hacked, having money or files changed or deleted on you.
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