Response 2 – Ian H
I remember going through this rather strange piece titled Modern Living for the first time, and thinking it was about a suicidal man. Or at least one going through severe depression, what with the smoking scenes, and the darker tone to most of the parts. Yet as it was explained in class, it’s more focused on racism in society. Which works for a couple of the sections, however it wasn’t entirely clear. So despite being an interesting and expressive piece of art, it wasn’t able to fully get it’s message across, this is most likely due to it’s size. He ultimately tried to fit so many things into one giant artistic piece, that the overall meaning gets melded, and distorted. So despite being interesting and engaging, it isn’t exactly successful at getting a message across. Perhaps this is the overall point though, so confuse and try and get different interpretations from people. But in the end, I found Modern Living to be very interesting, and had fun going through it.
I also remember something titled Jennicam, and thinking how strange it was. Yet looking at it now, streaming ones life is common place. With website likes Twitch and YouTube, streaming what one is doing for others is everywhere! Streaming went from this strange and out there idea, to being normal. This brings up many questions, such as how many things that are considered strage now a days, will just become societal norms in the future. Very interesting thing to think about.
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