Response 2-JackL

Response 2-JackL

If media shape us, then what shape do we see through the media? How do the vehicles/technology of many-to-many media shape what kinds of selves are possible?

Media gives us an opportunity to have a second identity. This new version of one’s self is not constructed the same way as the original, however. One has more control over the development of the new self image, and yet, they have less. One can contribute to the creation, however it isn’t his contributions alone that are represented in the presentation. There is a myriad of other information about the individual that gives the new self flesh and substance that can sometimes greatly vary from the original. Social media posts, pictures, videos, any and all presence on the internet can and is documented to establish a new identity, whether it’s intentional or not.

Pick 2 autobotography projects and review thoroughly. How does each create a new and strange mirror on what it means to be human? What kind of self is possible, or reflected, or satirized, or created via the new technologies? For each project explain what the new tech is, and then how it shapes what kind of self is possible. Do you think race, gender, class, culture, age or other factors influence these new selves? Do the very poor have access to these new selves?

Project 1: Jennicam. This project is one of the earliest, if not the earliest version of what is now a widespread phenomenon in our culture. Jennicam used cameras and livestream technology to essentially digitalize her entire home life. This is taking creating a new self to the extreme, but is a prime example of the kind of alternative realities technology can create.

Project 2: Nobody Here. This project is a bit more abstract 2 and difficult to interpret. The creator of this project created a new version of himself that formulates into a navigable digitalized version of some sort of strain of his being, or his conscience. It is the him that exists underneath the image created by his normal features of one’s self used to base character on.

Race, gender, class, culture, age, and any and all similar factors have a huge influence over these new selves. A big part of what motivates people to succeed in a capitalist society with this sort of technology is obtaining access to it. And only those that can afford the technology can have access to the alternative realities that it offers.

What kind is society is created by the proliferation of these new selves?

The proliferation of these new selves creates a society that is less connected than before, and far more connected than ever before at the same time. People are beginning to mix these different realities, their multiple selves are starting to merge into one another, to the point where the value of one self is almost dependent on the value of the other. This causes shifts in priorities in society, which cause shifts in the direction humanity is taking in developing technology, as well as the reasons for advancement. Whether these changes are for better or for worse has yet to be seen, however it’s clear that there are good and bad paths that could be taken.