Response 2 LiwenC

Autobotography Response 



Jenny Cam can be described as the first reality tv show or streaming show of the world. It was first started in 1996 by Jenny in her college dorm, and it lasted a whole seven years. That’s a long time before any services like twitch or youtube started their services, it even predates shows on tis like the Kardashian show, with the whole concept of showing her entire life 24/7. It is amazing that such a site and idea started such a long time ago, however it may have started too early in a way. 

Jenny cam was suddenly shut down after the long seven years of it being up for serval reasons. It was too expensive to host during that time and copy cats copying her. It may seem easy now to live stream with so many different websites that provide the same service, like twitch youtube and instagram. That is only possible now because of the kind of speed that our internet provides now. Jenny only managed to maintain her site for that long, because of a subscription based model that allows for others to pay for other more intimate cams. However that comes with the price of PayPal taking away her accounts after renewing their service models. There are also sites like that took a more adult spin sponging of her site. Which subtracted away from her original attentions of hosting her site. These issues caused Jenny to close down her site after seven years, and she is now a web developer living a quite life. 

Live Sharing 

Life Sharing is a website that allows others to look through all of the web site owner’s informations. That is a scary concept that I can’t even imagine. Even many years after that website has been on the internet. Now we live in the age of information, or some might even call it the age of experiences, with many ways to experience other ways of living, and a lot more informations then it was allowed in the past. Along with all the many ways to live and experience there comes a long with a need for personal informations to be secured, that is why there are so many conspiracies of FBI spying through our webcams, and viruses taking our informations away, and that is preciously why the concept of life sharing is so scary. 

Life Sharing allows all of the website owner’s private and personal information to be looked through by anyone and everyone that vistas that site, there are no fees that need to e paid. Once you are on that site you can look though emails, texts, photos and even bank statements. Even with the social platforms that we have today to share our daily lives with many people, life sharing takes this idea to a far deeper and dangerous area. They looked at it as an art platform, but many others may look at it as an intrusion of privacy. Now a days we only want to share aspects of our lives that we want others to look at, if some how private informations were to been seen, those websites would be gone instantly, and that is what makes life sharing so scary and innovating at the same time. 

One thought on “Response 2 LiwenC”

  • Liwen–You do a decent job of reading the social implications of the Life Sharing project. However, with JenniCam, all you’ve really done is describe it. I would like to hear more of your thoughts regarding that technology’s effects on both Jenny and the social context.