Response 2 PerryA
Smart Clothing
The conveniences that the author of this article was trying to provide to the public with this wearable technology can today mostly all be done with just a smartphone. The mirror that this creates on what it means to be human is dependance on electronic technology. The technology that was new at the time of this article is all wearable and based on modified articles of clothing. Wearing many of these articles of clothing such as the WearCam would today be more of an inconvenience than a convenience with the way that technology has progressed. The author of this article wanted to have each article of clothing provide some kind of hands free benefit to the wearer but all of these benefits you are now able to have with just one device, a smartphone. Although a smartphone is not entirely hands free it is much more convenient to use than wearing clothes with electronics built in. In todays society most people in the lower-middle class and above can afford a smartphone regardless of race, culture, and age. This technology encourages a society that is very dependent because they are never without it.
Life Sharing
The life sharing autobiography project creates a mirror on what it means to be human because it involves sharing personal information with the public which is something that others should not typically have access to. It is usually an uncomfortable feeling when people are able to search through your possessions, and this project forces the artists to allow it to happen. They even decided to take it a step further by using a gps to allow the public too see exactly where they are at all times. If more people were to do this it would force them to always be more open with their lives and be less concerned with keeping their information secure. People who have less money than others may not be able to broadcast their information in this way but they would also most likely have less private information to share this way.
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