Response 2 — SophiaCC

I at this point have spent a good three hours poking through this website.  Today I clicked on ‘conditions’ which led me to an agreement that I had read the terms and conditions. When I clicked to read them, this is what I got.  The website reads almost the same as an actual mind, with word association pulling you to different pages, and sometimes jumping back to a previous topic.  If you jump too much the page can get bogged down and force you to restart, something that I don’t think was intentional but has a nice effect, almost like your brain getting overloaded.  The community viewing the website can contribute to the website via the chat, the bug comments on most pages, and some pages request you to populate answers to questions.  


I think that the weird, dream like nature of the content on the site may not be a perfect mirror, but it is representative of how strange and connected our thoughts can be because of the relatively restricted number of images used throughout the site.  



In reading the other responses that have been posted this seems like a very common choice to make, but I think that that’s because it’s so outlandish and formative of our current culture. Today with platforms like SnapChat and Instagram that encourage us to share photos and videos of our everyday lives, JenniCam reads almost like an ancestor— to expose your life in that extreme of a way is what opened the way to have these platforms be successful.


In the JenniCam photos we see her going about her day to day life, in which we can find parallels to our own experiences, which in turn can help people feel less like outsiders and part of a larger community.  Her collection acts as a mirror for many people even if they don’t like it or don’t want to admit it, because it shows private aspects of her life that are normal, if distasteful. They make people reevaluate their own lives, think ‘what would people se if I did something similar? Would I like what they see?’ I think that most people would say no.