Response 3 – AshleyD
Chosen Projects:
- Han Hoogerbbrugge, Modern Living & Neurotica
- Nobody Here
The two projects I decided to discuss were Han Hoogerbbrugge’s Modern Living & Neurotica, and Nobody Here. Both were honestly very strange to me personally but this is likely because I’ve never seen something like these projects before. I didn’t enjoy them in a sense that they were fun or captivating but they were needless to say interesting.
Han Hoogerbbrugge’s project was out of the two the most disturbing. It was hard to watch some of the sequences. This project could easily be seen as an autobiography of this man’s views on life using media to reiterate this back to the viewer. Though to be honest these small sequences are completely up to the interpretation of the viewer and could easily be seen as completely different things depending on the viewer. Han goes out of his way to make sure there is no such thing as a language barrier with this project using as little text as possible. which overcame language barriers by incorporating as little text as possible.
Nobody Here was far more of an investment than Han’s project. Nobody Here requires much more interaction from the viewer creating a more of a relationship between the viewer and the creator. This person that we experience could honestly be anyone. I saw no real specific person identified here, though this could be my own interpretation of the project. I enjoyed the creative aspect of this project where it becomes almost this puzzle that you have to understand and solve though it’s likely there is nothing here to actually solve. Unlike Han’s project, this is very language reliant but does come with the option of switching languages when needed. The text shown to the reader can be confusing and is likely how the author interprets the world. I had a hard time following the narrations or scenes created here.
Overall both these projects were hard for me to follow and comprehend. This may speak to my own understanding of what “self” is and, how I interpret “myself” in a visual sense. Because these two projects were similar in style I may not have the clearest understanding of either project, but I do understand their connection with expressing one’s “self” with the world through media.
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