Response 3 NicholeO
I reviewed JenniCAM and Young Hae Changs Heavy Industries.
I’d like to just say how cringey the girl narrating the video was for JenniCAM for a moment, because I feel she was more of a distraction. As for JenniCAM, it actually reminded me of a concept I read in The Circle novel. The the novel the main protagonist and a few other very politically important people wear cameras to show their lives 24/7. This gets rid of any barriers between personal life, and digital life. The two become one, which isn’t something many people are comfortable with. Most people try to hide to they really are in real life to who they are online, but Jenni defied that pattern very early on in the internets history. I’m sure Jenni found sharing her life to be exciting, along with the fame it brought her for simply living her life.
As for Young Have Changs Heavy Industries, it left me, unsure, for lack of better words. Very much like the other examples seen in lab, Changs persona is kept hidden. It’s uncertain if that is even the creators real name. All the videos follow a similar pattern, starting with a countdown, and don’t show anything other than black text on white background (as far as I saw). The themes and messages behind the videos are beyond my comprehension, and I’m sure I just don’t have enough context to fully grasp what they are trying to say. I do appreciate the style, which is very in your face and catches your attention. It gives off a very specific mood and attitude.
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