
So far, in this class, we’ve talked about a few concepts that have large impacts on New Media as a whole. The first that caught my attention was the fact that it is important to think about which audience your project or work is intended for, and how you can optimize it to get that target audience involved. Something I find fascinating about New Media, is the potential it has to reach exponentially more and more people each day. The more we find ways to get information or ideas to more people, the easier it becomes for it to continue spreading everywhere. That’s why it’s important to be able to assess whatever project you’re working on, and design it in a way to gain the most information and make the most progress. By making it available to as many people – or sometimes a smaller, more refined group – that can be accomplished. Sometimes it’s as simple as leaving a comment section, or a link to other social media pages.

Another piece of class that really intrigued me was the portion of the “Yes Men” documentary we began. The ways in which they caused such a disturbance on such a large scale through minimal means was incredibly impressive. I had never heard of them before, but I am definitely now a fan. By putting an agency at the forefront of the news, for something the company didn’t believe in, the world saw that agency as something sort of hypocritical, and more penetrable. If this group of regular seeming men, with decent motives, can make light of these people in power, it displays a comical weakness not usually seen by these men with serious faces in their suits.

I also think the Anonymous video was very interesting. Anonymous has always intrigued me as a group, and learning more about them is something I’m alway inclined to do. If I were to do something new with New Media, I think I would want to delve into that world, and see if any new ideas spawned. There’s an infinite amount of things I could build or create inside of this field, and I’m not quite sure I’ve decided on anything yet. A lot of things have sparked my interest, but nothing has really jumped out to me, but when I find a problem I need to solve and I can create means to solve it through anything New Media related, I think that’s when I’ll know.