Response2- SamW

When thinking of issues, more specifically on our college campus, campus traffic instantly came to mind. Due to the close proximity of large housing complexes on campus, during rush hour times it can take more than a half an hour to travel less than a mile home. Because of the harsh winters we endure here in Maine, walking isn’t always the best alternative. To combat this an app could be made in which students can communicate with each other and carpool with people they wouldn’t necessarily have met otherwise even though they are neighbors. This app would be a great way to cut down on traffic in the university area, and also would allow people to meet each other when they otherwise would not have.

In the app, safety would certainly need to be considered because you would be riding with potentially strangers. Each person could have a profile where common friends and identification photos could be displayed. People could also display schedules when they would be giving or needing rides. This would also benefit students without cars.