Sam Woodward- Intent 2b
My project is the creation of a smartphone/computer program that would take a photo each time that your phone or computer was unlocked/woken up. These photos are then compiled into a video, showing how one changes overtime in a space where they are not putting up a face for the camera.
A huge contributor to ones sense of self is no doubt their physical appearance, especially facial appearance. People will go to great lengths to make sure their physical appearance is up to par, specifically in photographs. The project that I am proposing will insight just the opposite. It will aim to catch a person in a vulnerable position with a photograph.
For the project to be a reality, a plugin and desktop program will be created for smart phones and computers respectivly. This plugin or app will capture a front facing photo when the phone or computer is unlocked. The photos will be sent to a specific folder in ones computer where they will be stored until enough time has passed to create a compilation video.
This project aims to capture people in a space where they are not prepared for photos. The finished compilation video shows the different physical states that people can be in when they aren’t ready for a photo.
500$ – programming labor
20$ – Adobe premiere
1000$ for laptop (500$ if iPhone is used)
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