Welcome to the EnviroChallenge, in this game you will be challenged to choose between two options which can either help or hurt our environment. Choose wisely!
You have aquired a large amount of newspaper, what do you do with it?
[[Save and reuse the paper ->Save and Reuse the paper]]
[[Throw it away ->Throw newspaper away]] So you decided to throw the newspaper away. Maybe it would have been a better option to save it for a bit and maybe recycle it at a later date if you really find no use for it.
[[return to beginning of game ->Untitled Passage]]Ok, so now you have all this newspaper cluttering up your room, you don't really do enough projects to have a use for all the paper, although you have used some to protect your floors and tables from paint and other projects.
[[Keep the newspaper even though its cluttering up your space -> Keep the newspaper again]]
[[recycle the newspaper -> recycle the newspaper]]Nice! So you decided to keep the newspaper for reuse which is good for the environment, However your room is getting really cluttered with newspapers now and you should probably find a way to organize your space.
[[find some cardboard boxes to keep your newspapers in -> cardboard box]]
[[buy a plastic container to keep your newspapers in -> plastic box]]Nice choice! Keeping the newspaper for a while until you had the chance to recycle it was a good environmental choice and one that helped you to keep your space clean.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.