Day 1
Welcome to the EnviroChallenge, in this game you will be challenged to choose between two options which can either help or hurt our environment. Choose wisely!
You have aquired a large amount of newspaper, what do you do with it?
[[Save and reuse the paper ->Save and Reuse the paper]]
[[Throw it away ->Throw newspaper away]] So you decided to throw the newspaper away. Maybe it would have been a better option to save it for a bit and maybe recycle it at a later date if you really find no use for it.
[[return to beginning of game ->Day 1 Start]]Ok, so now you have all this newspaper cluttering up your room, you don't really do enough projects to have a use for all the paper, although you have used some to protect your floors and tables from paint and other projects.
[[Keep the newspaper even though its cluttering up your space -> Keep the newspaper again]]
[[recycle the newspaper -> recycle the newspaper]]Nice! So you decided to keep the newspaper for reuse which is good for the environment, However your room is getting really cluttered with newspapers now and you should probably find a way to organize your space.
[[find some cardboard boxes to keep your newspapers in -> cardboard box]]
[[buy a plastic container to keep your newspapers in -> plastic box]]Nice choice! Keeping the newspaper for a while until you had the chance to recycle it was a good environmental choice and one that helped you to keep your space clean.
[[Start Day Two ->Day Two Start]] The cardboard box you found was not only free, becuase you already had it, but also more environmentally friendly as it is recyclable!!
After a long day of being environmentally friendly you are exhausted and definitely need some sleep.
[[Start Day Two ->Day Two Start]]Although plastic boxes are waterproof, they're not biodegradable. They can be recycled into some other plastic product but they plastic will still be around much longer than paper products.
You scored: 1 Point
[[Want to try again? CLick here to retun to the beginning. ->Day 1 Start]] Good Morning! You just woke up and are starting to get ready for the day, Do you...
[[Brush your teeth with the water on -> water on]]
[[Brush your teeth with the water off -> water off]]So you left the water on, yeah maybe it wasn't on for that long, but if everyone leaves the water on it can be a big waste. I'd suggest turning the water off now.
Either way, you're really hungry so you decide to make some breakfast
[[make the most important meal of the day -> eat breakfast]]Great! You saved water while brushing your teeth, turning off the water is an easy way to conserve.
You're super hungry and decide to make some breakfast.
[[Food Time! -> eat breakfast]]Time to decide what to eat! You find that you can have a bowl of yogurt with fruit and granola or make steak and eggs.
[[Yogurt bowl -> Yogurt Bowl]]
[[Steak and Eggs -> Steak and Eggs]]Nice! not only does the yogurt give you protein to sustain you through your day, but you also are conserving water by avoiding meat products.
You go to work and have an average day, same as always.
[[Start Day Three -> Day 3 Start]]Even though steak and eggs has a lot of protein to sustain you through the day, you can get protein from non meat sources. One pound of meat takes more than 2,400 gallons of water to produce!
You probably should have gone with the yogurt...
You Scored: 2 points
[[Want to try again? CLick here to retun to the beginning. ->Day 1 Start]] You had yet another average day of work. Susan still doesn't know how to spell your name... Classic Susan.
You get home and throw your shoes in the corner, take off your jacket and realize its suddenly dark outside.
[[Turn on all the lights in your house -> all the lights]]
[[Turn on just the lights in the room you're in, even though it makes the other rooms a bit spooky. -> a few lights]]Yes, you're house is much less spooky than all the other houses, having a lit up house is nice, but have you ever heard of light pollution? Plus leaving lights on in room you aren't using is a waste of energy.
You Scored: 3 Points
[[Want to try again? CLick here to retun to the beginning. ->Day 1 Start]]Sweet Beans! You may be a little spooked when you have to walk across a room in the dark to turn on the light, but it's worth it to reduce light pollution and save energy!
You Scored: 4 Points!!
[[Want to play again? CLick here to retun to the beginning. ->Day 1 Start]]