Hacktivism Intent 1 – SarahS
Child marriage in the United States is a silenced issue, swept under the rug. The only way to change the law is to create awareness, which is the aim of my project.
NMD 206
Child marriage in the United States is a silenced issue, swept under the rug. The only way to change the law is to create awareness, which is the aim of my project.
Bird Bath House and Garden Irrigator This project involves building Birdhouses that use sensors to know when a bird is sitting on the perch of the birdhouse then fill the bowl below with water for the birds and the plants below. Concept: This project is […]
The Alt-JAD Background Experiences change who we are, but do the times? How often do you take yourself and place who you are in the present into some other time? It is already practice of me to consider myself in future and past tenses. We […]
We are immigrants to cyberspace, our children are natives. —John Perry Barlow
New Media is . . . always me and you, and no longer them. There is no longer a “they”, as in, “They say it’s gonna rain today.” It rains, and we know it rains because we can show it to one another. . . when the weatherman says it will rain, we can tell him he’s wrong. We can demand a better weatherman. But most importantly, we can become the weatherman . . . for me, it’s the hope that all we need to cure the world’s ills, to invite more people into the conversation. —ESalvaggio (former NMD student)
New Media is . . . technical innovation that leads to greater distribution and sharing of information and ideas. —EFoltz (former NMD Student)
New Media is . . . the playground for the creative thinking of our age. —GJones (former NMD student)
New Media is . . . REVOLUTION REVOLUTION REVOLUTION —PBarry (former New Media student)
New media is like a megaphone. It amplifies your ability to reach more people. —Mark Batterson
Selfies, Bots, avatars, cyborgs, hard drives and virtual mirrors
New Media is . . . the latest technologies used around the world to express or communicate something. —DGriffin (former New Media student)
Selfies, Bots, avatars, cyborgs, hard drives and virtual mirrors
Begin planning your Final Project–a full project (or “release”) based on one or more of the approaches or rapid prototypes you have created through the semester.
Albert Einstein said technological change is like an ax in the hand of a pathological criminal. —Now You See It
How we use our brain changes our brain. —Now You See It
work of the eyes is done, now go and do heart work on all the images imprisoned within you —rilke, turning point
The reason for designing new media is simple—to subtly and quietly change the world. —Hillman Curtis
Maine Ag Data Monitoring App
Guest speaker: Bill Giordano, Outreach and Education Coordinator, Sustainable Year Round Agriculture Cluster Initiative
Review Ecotech projects, regenerative design, and possible scotch intents
New Media . . . is influencing our culture by creating new forms of interactive storytelling. Yet by enabling people to participate in such various media they can converge as a crowd to alter the story to create new modes of engagement, some not necessarily endorsed by the creator – or the brands that back them. —Henry Jenkins
New Media are not just mechanical gimmicks for creating worlds of illusion, but new languages with new and unique powers of expression. —Marshall McLuhan
The world’s gotten smaller by virtue of the Internet and new media.—Ryan Phillippe
Final project is a release of one of your three approaches, i.e. a fully realized project based on one or a combination of your rapid prototype projects. You should begin working on this by Spring Break or soon after. Final Projects are due on the last Friday of classes.